
Clan Information

Statistics Summary
Clan Name:God Gaymer  (10 members)
Homepage:Not Specified
Average Member Points:3,027 (Average Position: 710)
Total Kills:28,070 (Hs per Kill: 2,70%)
Total Deaths:15,700 (with Hs: 2,43%)
Kills per Death:1.79 (Kills per Minute: 0.14)
Connection Time:136 days 07:27:31 hours
Average Connection Time:13 days 15:08:45 hours
Longest Kill Streak:206 Kills
Rounds:49,649 (Win.: 15,208, Loss.: 16,704)
Win Ratio:31%
Survived Rounds:26,014 Rounds (52%)
Weapon Accuracy:25% (Shots per Kill: 347.05)

Clan Members

# Name Position Points Activity Time Kills Clan Kills Deaths Kpd Hs Hpk
1  God Gaymer Jaenas 18 8,602 98% 14d 21:26h 2,381 8% 1,521 1.57 120 5%
2  God Gaymer mini :] 93 5,126 2% 45d 05:06h 6,505 23% 4,765 1.37 251 4%
3  God Gaymer leww 252 3,473 98% 2d 10:38h 273 1% 198 1.38 3 1%
4  God Gaymer christo 472 2,393 99% 11d 04:06h 2,351 8% 1,349 1.74 85 4%
5  God Gaymer neko 475 2,386 85% 18d 12:39h 8,519 30% 1,492 5.71 373 4%
6  God Gaymer zeo 488 2,356 98% 5d 15:59h 608 2% 700 0.87 14 2%
7  God Gaymer robbi 521 2,255 95% 33d 05:27h 6,809 24% 5,128 1.33 186 3%
8  God Gaymer flow 1,127 1,406 70% 0d 05:58h 45 0% 17 2.65 0 0%
9  God Gaymer drift 1,450 1,217 88% 0d 21:57h 120 0% 97 1.24 0 0%
10  God Gaymer Yakuza 6: The Song of Life 2,202 1,055 85% 4d 00:07h 459 2% 433 1.06 20 4%

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